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Honey Select/Mods

[HoneySelect 의상 추가모드] Custom Tops Sets for SBX2 (Cat suite)

by Brang 2016. 10. 26.

Custom Tops Sets for SBX2 (Edited 10-18-16)

Creator - Belgar17

Belgar17의 의상모드로  

2개의 캣슈트와 좀 심하게 짧은 상의들을 추가시켜준다.

인게임 적용샷

다른의상은 아래 링크에서 미리보기하길 권합니다.


All tops are standalone so they wouldn't replace anything. They are all recolorable.

They will only work correctly with SBX2 uncensor.
There are some clipping for very small or very large breasts.
For the Catsuits, bras, panties and pantyhoses can't be used with them because of clipping issues, however you can use almost any shoes and gloves with them.

Installation: Tops are packed separately, so you can choose what to download and install.
Extract and copy into your main Honey Select main directory. Note that a new directory, Belgar17_Mods, will be created inside HoneySelect\abdata\Chara\ it it doesn't exist.
IDs used: Catsuits (Tops [F]) 205609-205610, Crop Tops (Tops [F]) 205611-205617, Underboobs Tops (Tops [F]) 205618-205622

