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Honey Select/Mods

[HoneySelect 의상 추가모드] HS BACK HAIR

by Brang 2016. 10. 30.


Mod Creator - Belgar17

3종류의 Back Hair를 추가시켜준다.

원본의 헤어가 믹스된 느낌도 있어서 조합이 더 다양해진다.

퀄리티는 상당히 깔끔하며 기존과는 다른느낌을 줄수있을듯

인게임 스샷 

1종류는 찍은거같은데 빠졌네..  어쨌든 이런 느낌의 헤어를 추가시켜준다.

아래는 제작자의 말과 다운로드 링크


Mod Creator - Belgar17

The first one is a version of the Curly hair with all the fron bangs removed so it can be used with any hair bangs.
Second is another version of the Curly hair with some of the bangs removed to give a more open view of the face.
Third is the Whip Carl also modified to give a more open view of the face.

Like any other hair they will work with any uncensor.

Extract and copy into your main Honey Select main directory. Note that a new directory, Belgar17_Mods, will be created inside HoneySelect\abdata\Chara\ it it doesn't exist.
IDs used: (HairBack[F]) 201501-201503

Downloads: https://mega.nz/#!4stUQawR!LgumGBWQ_...gp0Zs3xJrUlvso

Hope you find it useful.
