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Honey Select 2215

허니셀렉트2 표정 향상 모드 https://youtu.be/K1WVQhGxERo [DBLin]Type02_MR This is a customized head mod, remake from HS2 face type02, and does not conflict with the original。 Fixed the bugs of HS2 lips and remake most of the mouth motions。 For details, see the video。 How to use? Face Settings> Facial type> Type> select [DBLin]Type02_MR。(Don't slelect from sample) 제작자 DBLin 설명 : 모드폴더에 넣고 캐릭터의 페이스 타입을 추가된 타입2로 바꾸면 됩니다 다운로드 링.. 2022. 1. 30.
HoneySelect2 - DX Character upload8 2022. 1. 28.
Rose - Hair 1 https://www.patreon.com/posts/60985968 2022. 1. 25.
sjjpl_top_141 https://www.patreon.com/posts/clothing-141-61481983 2022. 1. 23.